Believe me, love is not perfect. That is why you have to make love perfect for it to work. Each lover is not also perfect, so the term "understanding" fits the scene. I am amazed to find people who views love as a "happy ending". But no, it is not true. Love is a constant vow to understand the person you loved. Without understanding. love hardly thrive in a world like this-full of trials, surprises, temptations, and lies.
I remember a friend Daniel who married a stranger instead of his childhood sweetheart. Although the girl thought it was a heartless move, she tried to move on and find sometime who is true to her. Another person believes that his family is the "thing" that matters. Without his wife and son, he thinks he cannot survive in this world. What made them last for long? Understanding. He told me about that. It's simple, but true.
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